On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:06:41 +0200
Luis Fernando Llana Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>El Jueves, 19 de Agosto de 2004 15:38, messmate escribió:
>> Hello,
>> on my debian sarge can't mount /floppy as user nor root :(
>> The fstab output:
>> /dev/fd0     /floppy auto    users,noauto            0       0
>> sudo mount /dev/fd0 /floppy
>> mount: you must specify the filesystem type
>Is the floppy windows formatted?

NO. Formatted on my debian box. 

>I have similiar problems with some (not all) windows formatted
>floppies. I solve it by changing "auto" to "vfat". The problem is that

vfat don't change anything.

>you need another entry in the fstab file if you want to use linux
>formatted floppies.
What changes ???

Thanks for any help

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