On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 14:39:12 +0300, Janjs Jangori wrote:
> We are writing a research paper and our primary research data uses the
> Debain-User Mailing List Archives. Our Python script reads and uses a mbox
> file as an input instead of html.
> Is there any Debian mbox file of the latest archives?

The archives at http://lists.debian.org are generated by MHonArc, a tool
that has mbox format files as its input (or perhaps Maildir, in any case, a
regular mail archive format). AFAIK the archives in mbox format are not
accessible to the general public (probably to limit address harvesting
opportunities for spammers etc.). You may want to contact listmaster at
lists dot debian dot org to obtain copies.

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        Douglas Adams in http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/21/1217242

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