On Sat 7 August 2004 16:38, Ken Gilmour wrote:

> Probably because everything thinks you are spam... here is what my
> server thinks...
> X-Spam-Flag: YES
> X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on *a top
> secret super atomic server*
> X-Spam-Level: ********
> X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=8.3 required=4.7 tests=FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD,
>         *  2.5 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD 'From' yahoo.com does not match
> 'Received' headers

I don't really like this SA 'feature'... because it doesn't work 
correctly. Recently, my ISP, Rogers, stopped providing internet 
services other than a connection. All of the services they used to 
provide (email and webspace mainly) will from now on be provided by 
Yahoo!. This means that the 'Rogers' smtp server now resolves to a 
Yahoo! one (check the headers of this message). As part of this change 
they offered the possibility of merging your Rogers email with a Yahoo! 
ID that you might already have, and this I did. I used that ID recently 
to file a bug with the Debian bug tracking system and this SA 'feature' 
gave some hits when I did so - not enough to mark it as spam but still 
a few hits. This despite the fact that the smtp server was a Yahoo! 

Received: from smtp102.rog.mail.re2.yahoo.com [] 
        by spohr.debian.org with smtp (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian))
        id 1Bt7En-00079z-00; Fri, 06 Aug 2004 09:06:33 -0700
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25 
        (1.212-2003-09-23-exp) on spohr.debian.org
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.3 required=4.0 
        HAS_PACKAGE autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25

In other words, it seems that if you send a message with a Yahoo! 
address from anywhere but Yahoo! webmail SA will nail you, even if you 
use a Yahoo! smtp server. This would seem to apply to people who 
purchase premium services with Yahoo! as well (including smtp and pop 
access), which is in effect what Rogers has done for its subscribers.

I would simply prefer to use sendmail, but since I'm on a machine behind 
a firewall on a residential dynamic IP address block, well, that's not 
well liked by many mail servers these days.

David P James
Ottawa, Ontario
ICQ: #42891899, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Noone isn't no one

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