I'm running a debian woody server, using exim (I believe -- actually,
I have whatever Debian installs as default, which I believe is
exim), and I have peen persuaded that I should change over to imap.

I'm trying to get some kind of orientation on the whole process.
Do I have to convet to maildir format?
What happend to existing messages in mbox format?
What software do I need to get?  Which do you recommend?
My clients will be on several other machines (and will no longer have
to ssh to the server to read mail -- that's the whole point).
What client software should they have on Linux? on Windows? on computers
likely to be found in public libraries run by idiots?

Or, more simply (perhaps) is there a guide somewhere that provides an
overview to all this.  Googling is providing me with a lot of
documentation on various fragments of this process, but it's hard
putting it all together -- especially figuring out when there are alternatives,
which ones actually work smoothly.

-- hendrik

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