On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 14:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I am configuring a system to authenticate users against an AD windows
> 2003 server, and if the user does not have a homedir it will
> automatically be created on the Linux server.
> Ive managed to do all this using the winbind daemon, samba, kerboros
> (for autherntication) to the AD server.
> However i would like to take this one step forward so that users
> windows "Home Directories" are also automatically mounted upon logon
> to the linux server, they need to be mounted within a mount folder
> under their Linux homedir .
> i can do this using pam_mount, but this means i need to know exactly
> which windows server the users homedirectory is located, i would like
> a way for querying the ADS to check which windows server the user is
> on and then automatically mount the windows homedir on the linux
> server.
> Does anyone have a script or know anyway this can be done?

Well, I believe there are some references I'll have to look for...

But, what I am REALLY looking for is for you to send me a confidential
or sanitized smb.conf.

I am struggling severely right now with the exact issue you have solved.

Beggin. I'll do the research for the pam stuff and help out that way...


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