Hi! Debian Users

Need some info about Mail Server. There are some request from my management about Mail Services.Below are the list. Need your opnion.

1). Must can support multiple domain. I have Domain for abc.com.my and cde.com.my
2). The email user must can be control to become a local user or external user.
local user - only can send email between domain, it mean that user from domain abc.com.my can send email to cde.com.my but can't send to other beside this two domain.
3). all outgoing email must can be store at one location for top management to view if upon request. (if possible by selected user)
4). all incoming email must can be store at one location for top management to view back upon request. (If possible by selected user)
5). all incoming or out going email with attachment must can be on hold by postmaster for checking purpose, before release to user or send out.
6). email from specify address must can be forward to special account for checking purpose. example I have user1 which can send and received external email. but I don't him to received email from user [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,so any email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] will not reach to user1 account but will reach to postmaster account.

Thank You

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