Seneca wrote:
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 08:51:37AM -0400, Rick Pasotto wrote:I ran into the same problem yesterday, and only being marginally interested in bittorrent, gave up on the programs once I found that I couldn't find any real documentation.
Perhaps I've been spoiled by other debian packages but I can't figure out how to run bittornado(-gui).
There is no man page. There is no menu item. In
/usr/share/doc/bittornado there is a README that contains the line
'Instructions for Unix installation are in INSTALL.unix.txt' which of
course doesn't exist.
What do you mean by your statement about the lack of manpage? There is no "bittornado" manpage? There are manpages for the various commands included in the bittornado packages.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -L bittornado|grep \/man\/man
< "etc etc" snip>
The Debian Policy Manual states:
Each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page included in the same package. It is suggested that all configuration files also have a manual page included as well. Manual pages for protocols and other auxiliary things are optional.
If no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug and should be reported to the Debian Bug Tracking System
Perhaps a bug should be filed against the Policy in that also, all _packages_ need a man page, even if all the page has is the "See Also" section for related man pages.
I mean, I've been using Debian for about four years, but I'm not into the nuts and bolts of it on a daily basis, and so it didn't even cross my mind to use the "dpkg -L" feature to find man pages. When a person installs a package, it's just natural for that person to assume that the main program has the same name as the package, or that there's a man page for the package name.
-- Kent
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