Yesterday I noticed that no syslog-managed logs had been written to on my
Sarge system for several days.  "ps ax" didn't show any syslog daemon
running.  When I manually started syslog-ng, suddenly it wrote several
hundred K of log entries.

Since I've restarted it (and I've been running "tail -f /var/log/messages"
in an xterm and watching things) syslog-ng has restarted, as I believe it's
supposed to do.

That's syslog-ng version 1.6.2-3.  The changelog indicates it hasn't changed
since March, and the problem occurred in early July, so I don't know how it
could be problem with syslog-ng directly.

Is this something anyone else has noticed?  
Carl Fink             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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