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On Thursday 08 July 2004 15:46, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
On Wednesday 07 July 2004 05:40, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
>> I know this card is supported under Linux, and debian, but...
>> What is involved in getting this card found/configured under Sarge?
>> Specifically under the new net install cdrom?
>> A lady friend is seriously considering letting me move her off of
>> windos and onto debian. The hangup is this wifi card. I don't ant to
>> spend all day trying to get this piece of hardware working, unless I
>> absolutely have to.
> Don't know how the new installer handles wifi, but this is more or
> less what you should do to get the netgear ma311 working:
> apt-get install hostap-utils hostap-source wireless-tools hotplug
> echo "alias wlan0 hostap_cs" >/etc/modutils/hostap 

Should have said _pci, not _cs. Thus:
echo "alias wlan0 hostap_pci" >/etc/modutils/hostap

> update-modules
> Ensure that you have a wlan0 section in /etc/network/interfaces...
> iwconfig wlan0 essid foobar
> iwconfig wlan0 mode managed

Did you get it to work, btw?
- -- 
Frederik Dannemare | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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