[This list is migthy verbose, so please respond both to the list and myself

I'm about to transition the DNS server from one Debian stable machine to
another. The current configuration is a chroot hack on top of the normal
bind package.

I'm thinking this transition would be a great time to investigate the
alternative to bind. Bind, as I understand it, is notoriously buggy and
insecure. (thus the chroot)

A few apt-cache searches later, and I turn up the following alternatives:

maradns - A simple DNS server, aimed to be secure (http://www.maradns.org/)
djbdns-installer - Source only package for building djbdns 

I am a bit suprised. I expected a plethora of choices. :-\

maradns appears to be several versions behind (stable: 0.9.15-1) and after
surfing its homepage I wonder about its feature completeness and production
readiness. In short, maradns makes me nervous.

djbdns seems like a great alternative, except it's not DFSG compliant.
Normally, this doesn't phase me. However, for our DNS server I would like
the peace of mind to know the software can and will be supported in the
future. Supposedly there have been no security bugs found thus far - but
offering a reward seems to me would discourage rather than encourage takers.
In short, djbdns makes me nervous too.

Are there any other options I'm missing? Is there a reason for a lack of DNS
servers in the open source world? At the very least, I'm suprised no one has
started a project to implement one in a managed language.

Thanks, in advnace, for your comments, advice and help!


http://quadhome.com/            - Personal webpage
http://tranzoa.net/             - Corporate webpage

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