Robert William Hutton <rwh <at>> writes:

> Gary Parker wrote:
> > I am running a new installation of Sid and can't seem to get the modem up.  
> [snip]
> > I tried setserial as follows:
> > setserial /dev/ttyS4 uart 16550A port 0xdfe0 irq 22 autoconfig
> > ln -sf /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem
> > 
> > I followed this with "pppd call provider".  I don't believe it activated the 
> > modem.
> > 
> > Any thoughts as to how I might proceed?
> Anyway, load that up with "minicom -s" as root, and configure it with 
> your serial port, and a phone number etc.  Then try dialing out.

Thanks Rob.  OK, I installed minicom and got it to dial the modem.  It
repeatedly came back with NO CARRIER after repeated attempts.  BTW, in Fedora I
can usually dial in first time; there I am activating the modem with a program
called Network Device Control.  So it seems something is still wrong.

As far as pppd goes, I am not sure what to do.  I reviewed the files that I
think pppd uses:

They seem fine, though pppd doesn't connect with the modem while minicom clearly

Does anyone know if I have to setserial manually all the time?  If so, is it
because I have an internal modem, 5610 56K FaxModem USR 56k Internal Voice Modem
(Model 2976)?


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