Quoting Freddy Freeloader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> connection errors.  Since I've upgraded to sarge I get the following 
> error when attempting to use tcpdump: get i f addrs: connection refused. 
> I have what I'm assuming to be is related in ethereal too.  When 
> attempting to do a packet capture the "interface" menu box is empty and 
> ethereal hangs at that point.  So, I'm assuming that both tcpdump and 
> ethereal are both being denied access to my ethernet connections.  
> Anyone know if these are known bugs or do I just have something 
> misconfigured?  Everything worked perfectly under woody, and I've done 
> nothing different than I did with woody so I'm assuming these are bugs, 
> but as a noob I'm not positive. 

I'm using both tcpdump and ethereal on both sarge and sid, so
there must be a problem with your setup.  Are you root?  Only
root is allowed to capture.  Do you have a stock Debian kernel
or a home-brew kernel?  Maybe your .config is missing sth...

Cheers, WB

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