On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 10:33, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> On Tuesday 2004-07-13 06:23 pm, Greg Folkert wrote:
> > Well, the thing that made me decide you were an Good Doobie rather than
> > a stuck up barsterd...
> Just so I know, is there any reason you thought that I *might be* a stuck up 
> bastard before I emailed you?  :)

By default on the Internet, everyone is a stuck-up bastard, until proved

> > That my dear sir, is one of the signs of some person whom this world
> > needs. So, I have have a sub-menu in my pR0n Coll^W^W tech-docs just
> > related to your stuff.
> That's very kind of you, Greg.  Thank you for the encouragement.

Heck, that is all you say for me replacing my pR0n Collection with your

/me might be changing said opinion about someone being nice...

Just kidding.

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