>> I've noticed that during (sid) startup the font appears to be changed
>> - both on my desktop box and on the laptop. On the desktop box this is
>> OK - I get to see more of the boot messages scrolling past before GDM
>> starts.

>Sounds like you're booting into a framebuffer mode that your desktop can cope 
>with and your laptop cannot.

Possible - but then the laptop would never manage the change would it
not? It does manage it after a couple of reboots or so. I get the
feeling that it's just dodgy rather than fully non-supported.

>I'm not quite sure though.  I can't quite decide what you mean by "when this 
>switches in."  Do you mean the console font at boot (on tty1), or when GDM 
>switches in on the laptop?

When the console font changes. It changes from standard 80x25 to
something else (not sure what - quite a lot smaller
characters). Before this started happening the switch to gdm was
OK. After this started - if the console font change goes thru then the
change to gdm is also OK - if (as happens most of the time) the
console font change dies so gdm fails to come up - in fact I can't get
anything to show at that point and have to powercycle the laptop.

>Well, either way, it's a place to start.  If you're using LILO, look for the 
>vga= line.  If it has some number after it, it's probably a framebuffer mode.  
>Try "vga=normal" instead.  For GRUB, I have no idea.  I'm sure there's 
>something similar.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep vga /etc/lilo.conf 
# vga=ask
# vga=9

So - vga is set to normal.

Only changes to the machine are regular apt-get updates - I've made no
config changes is over 3 months.


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