On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 00:28:48 -0700
Jim McCloskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael B Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |> Right the choices are A) not print, B) downgrade or C) install
> |> xprt-xprintorg. Personally I think people should try C before
> |> bitching too much.
> Option C) ...then hunting
> through Google, and mailing-list archives, and FAQs, trying to find
> out where the configuration files were kept[1] (this information isn't
> anywhere that I at least can find in /usr/share/doc/xprt-xprintorg),
> and trying to find which one to edit; then editing in trial and error
> fashion.

I know this won't help you much now, but in the future, you can find
where config files are by trying "dpkg -L packagename | grep etc" (since
all Debian packages put the config files _somewhere_ in /etc).


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