On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 09:40:12 +0200, Michael B Allen wrote:
> Reid Priedhorsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 2. It had security problems.
> > 
> > This brings me to my question: Does anyone have any solid references
> > on these security problems? Googling and searching the bug database
> > only yielded a vague claim about a remote exploit (bug #247585).
> Well X in general has exploits and if you run a *dm session manager it's
> running as root. So if you're running Xprint you're running X so an
> exploit in Xprint is somewhat redundant. The bottom line is you cannot
> run X exposed to hostile networks.

Hm, I suppose I was unclear. It was the "PostScript/default" printing
option, the one that was removed, not Xprint, that supposedly has security
issues. I'm trying to solidify these claims.


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