On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 19:04, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Eric van Rheenen wrote:
> > I have a PC with an Intel D865GLC motherboard and i'm running
> > Debian Linux 2.4.26.
> Sounds reasonable.
> > The problem i stil have is how to configure the video chip.  Which
> > driver should i choose within XF86Config so that the X-Windows system
> > wil start.  I run xf86config but couldn't find the D865GLC.
> D865GLC is the motherboard and not the graphics chip.  You would need
> to look to find the graphics chip name instead.  Google shows that
> Intel calls this the "Intel Extreme2 Graphics" chip.

This was clear to me, but the xf86config utility doesn't show an Intel
Extreme2 Graphics card.  Also lspci doesn't give me a clue, it just
tells me that it's a vga controler.

> > I have the same problem with the audio chips, i could find a chipset
> > that i should use.
> I think this is another of those times.  I see that Intel makes the
> driver available for download directly from their site.
>   http://developer.intel.com/design/motherbd/lc/lc_drive.htm
> I have no other information but it looks like source is available so
> there is good hope that you could get this working.  But I did not see
> any Debian specific packages there.  So unfortunately you would need
> to do some digging and probably compiling yourself.
> Bob
Ing. E.W.P. van Rheenen

Rijks Universiteit Groningen
Faculteit der Medische Wetenschappen - ICT Support
Bloemsingel 1
The Nederlands

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