

> I`ve installed Debian GNU v3.0r2(non us) Everything seemed
> OK until I was asked for the user name and passwords to log in, this
> I inserted and instead of getting a GUI or some sort of window
> all that happened was I got a flashing curser.

The Debian base system does not include a GUI. To install KDE and XFree,

apt-get install x-window-system-core kde

You can also install it by selecting the tasks from tasksel after the
base system has been installed. You will be asked if you want to use

You will be asked several configuration questions for XFree. You can
rerun that program anytime by typing

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

> I`ve tried different flavours but get the same results

This will install using another Kernel and set of drivers, but won't
change anything else of the base system. You should install using the
bf24 flavor, it has better support for a lot of hardware than the
2.2.20 flavors.

> and I`m fed up reading help pages off the internet. Why doesn`t 
> anything happen if the program has installed?

The installer does what it is designed to do. It installs the base
system. After that, you log into your system. Now it is up to you to
tell it what to do. You should definitely take a look at the
installation manual:


> Near the end of program running there was some seek error messages and 
> it said some packages hadn`t been installed but that was due to bugs 
> in the program.        

If you installed from CD or DVD, this could be because the disc could
not be read properly, e.g. because it is not clean enough, or damaged.
You could also try another drive, if you have one in that computer.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
Registered Linux User #267976

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