On 01 Jul 2004 09:42:31 -0400, Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jon Dowland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Much of the power that latex has exists now in word: e.g. automatic
> > contents building.
> How about automatic equation numbering like this?

I can only comment on my own experiences, and I have not had to do
equation numbering myself before, but I know that there are tools to
provide that facility e.g. mathtype as someone else mentioned.

Incidentally I attempted to use the latex equation environment to lay
out numbered 'design rules' in a document and found it inflexible for
anything except its intended purpose (I think my trouble was layout of
paragraphs within the environment). I imagine had I delved deeper and
learned some tex I could have achieved what I was after.

Jon Dowland

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