On Fri, 02 Jul 2004, Jake Johnson wrote:

> Hi, I am trying to get rid of the mutt mail headers.  I don't like it that
> I have to page through so much text just to read the email.  Please note
> that it is not the verbose headers either.  -- Jake Johnson
> http://www.plutoid.com


I have this in my .muttrc:


#  3.8. Ignoring (weeding) unwanted message headers
#  Usage: [un]ignore pattern [ pattern ... ]
#  Messages often have many header fields added by automatic processing
#  systems, or which may not seem useful to display on the screen.  This
#  command allows you to specify header fields which you don't normally
#  want to see.
#  You do not need to specify the full header field name.  For example,
#  ``ignore content-'' will ignore all header fields that begin with the
#  pattern ``content-''.
#  To remove a previously added token from the list, use the ``unignore''
#  command.  Note that if you do ``ignore x-'' it is not possible to
#  ``unignore x-mailer,'' for example.  The ``unignore'' command does not
#  make Mutt display headers with the given pattern.
#  ``unignore *'' will remove all tokens from the ignore list.
# Sven's draconian header weeding
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
unignore posted-to:
unignore Message-Id
unignore Content-Type


So first of all I ignore all headers and then decide which ones I want to
see. If you want to see all headers again type "h".


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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