On Sat, Jun 26 at 08:33PM +0800, John Summerfield wrote:
> >>I don't understand why the server would be making the
> >>connexion request.  By definition, the client does that.
> >
> >it's not "by definition" -- it's "in the VAST majority of cases".
> >as in "very seldom, and it's surely suspicious behavior that
> >should be investigated by at least three government agencies at
> >the highest level, there will be a case for forwarding server
> >ports to the client, not that there's anything wrong with that."
> I'll stick with "by definition." ftp in active does things a little 
> oddly: when the client requests a transfer, it sends the port command: I 
> don't know the full details,but some of the information it provides is 
> the IP address and port for ftpd to connect to to send the data. So far 
> as the protocol is concerned, the server makes a client connexion 
> request to the client program which in consequence becomes a server.

aha. i see your perspective -- you're calling quickmate a
server, even tho it's on the user's client-side machine. by that
arrangement, yes, it's the server.

but the tunnel is initiated locally, so we forward a remote port
to the local machine in order to accomplish our task. :)

> >aha! but, as you said:
> >
> >     > You don't want loopback devices. The loopback device is
> >     > for me to send messages to myself: the client and server
> >     > are on the same box.
> >
> >"i'm talking to myself"! is the loopback interface,
> >so you "don't want that"... :) unless you've got the port
> >forwarded elsewhere. right? yes? hmm?
> My web browser is talking to a server on my loopback device,
> yes. What the server does is respond validly to HTTP requests.
> Whether it gets the date from local store (Apache with static
> html) or generates it (Apache with CGI or PHP and a database
> backend) or entirely from across a network (as Squid does) is
> irrelevant.
> I'm not routing traffic from the loopback device, and that's
> what you were talking about.

        ssh -L80: distant.server.there
        lynx localhost:80

lynx thinks it's talking to its own selfsame machine, tho the
request gets beamed to instead.

        ssh -R10001: distant.server.there
        quickmate localhost:10001 &

quickmate thinks it's listening to locally-originating
connections, but it's gonna be getting them from the remote
end of the tunnel instead.

same thing, different direction.

THAT's what i'm talking about.

> >>You don't want loopback devices. The loopback device is for
> >>me to send messages to myself: the client and server are on
> >>the same box.

they APPEAR to be on the same box, thanks to the magic of
port-forwarding tunnels. whether it's -R (coming) or -L (going)
it's magic, either way.

> Clients do not listen and clients do not accept questions.
> That has caused most of our confusion.
> A TCP client uses socket() and connect().  A TCP server uses
> socket(), bind(), listen() and accept().
> See using C on the Unix system, O'Reilly & Assoc.

conceptually quickmate fills the definition of a client -- it
gives the user a menu to work with to converse with the remote
database server; operationally, it's serving requests to port
10001 like a server would.

and to get it to work we use a remote-to-local tunnel. works
like a dream!

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