I found a solution for the xset problem I had.
I had to change the line in home/user/.xsession: '/usr/bin/galeon --display=:0 -ndf'
/usr/bin/galeon --display=:0 -ndf | xset s off -display ":0"
That was the only way to execute xset running kiosk-mode. But I do not understand completely why I could not put in the bottom of the .xsession file. Is it so that when .xsession has executed /usr/bin/galeon, the rest of .xsession is not read? I tried to put the xset command in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc as well, with no success.
And still I am curious of XF86Config's serverflag section, why it did not work as in redhat. If some Xxperts has time to look through the problem (description following by previous messages), I am curious to know the correct syntax in section "serverflags"
Pigeon wrote:
On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 01:58:42PM +0200, Paal Marker wrote:
I need to prevent a box from blanking out.
In redhat8 I could succesfully put this section in the end of /etc/X11/XF86Config
Section "Serverflags" Option "BlankTime" "0" Option "StandbyTime" "0" Option "SuspendTime" "0" Option "OffTime" "0" EndSection
The result of putting in this section is that the X server will not start
By googling I found that this syntax could also be used
Section "Serverflags"
Option "blank time" "0" Option "standby time" "0"
Option "suspend time" "0"
Option "off time" "0"
Same result, no X
startx gives error message:
Option "blank time" "0" server flags section keyword expected
I copied the serverflags section from redhat8's XF86Config, where it worked fine. What does debian demand of syntax here?
Pigeon wrote:
I've got "xset s off" in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc. Works fine.
Paal Marker wrote:
Yes, you are right, and I have tried it. Correct on this system will be 'xset s off -display ":0"'Refer to top, the xset problem is solved.
But the problem is that anyway where I put that command to execute , be in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc or /home/kiosk/.xsession or wherever it does not work. However, if I log in remote by ssh and execute xset s off -display ":0" from bash prompt, it works fine.
According to man xset, the xset command must be executed after all applications, so I have tried to execute it from the last line of /home/user/.xsession.
I had the same problem making kiosks with redhat as well, and ended up by solving it with the serverflags section in XF86Config.
Continuing exploring the section "serverflags" problem: From linux single start and the startx I get the error message:
Config Error: /etc/X11/XF86Config:269 (wich is the line where the first option in the section serverflags starts)
_Option__ "BlankTime" "0" Server flags keyword expected
Remark here that it is the Option word that is underlined in the message, the underlning is made by ^^^^^^^ these characters. Does it tell me that 'Option' is an invalid keyword in this section?
The Xserver used is xserver-s3
I will be happy for advice for any solution here, being by XF86Config and serverflags, or how to execute xset s off
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