On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 16:56 +0800, Alexander NordstrÃm wrote:

> > I have three mozilla-based browsers installed: Mozilla itself, Firefox
> > Did anyone have a problem like this???

> Going out on a limb here, but I've noticed Mozilla and other GTK apps die 
> horribly if, for some reason, not all fonts are world readable and they try 
> to use them, so check the file permissions on your font files, they should be 
> 644.
all files in /usr/share/fonts have at least 644

> > Sorry for lack of info, I dunno what to write about. I have latest
> Chronology is always important: did it work fine before, or did you simply not 
> use those browsers before? What changes preceded the breakage?
It worked just fine! It started crashing after some apt-get upgrade...

> Does it work as root? (You may want to grab a page that's not working remotely 
> and put it on your computer locally with wget or some other browser, removing 
> all external references.)
Nope, it doesn't work as root and locally

> Run it from a console and see if you get any error messages.
No error messages (see also strace, attached on previous my message to
this thread)

> (The mozilla startup scripts, for some reason, seem to send standard error to 
> /dev/null, 
> so you may have to edit those.)
No messages with /dev/null redirections commented

> Any other GTK programs behaving badly?
Other GTK (and other) proggies feels good.

Dan Korostelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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