Package: cvs

Version: 1:1.12.9-1


In order to share files between normal users on CVS I’ve added them to the ‘src’ group using ‘gpasswd –a someuser src’.  Next I’m using Tortoisecvs to login as someuser and upload to the repository I’ve created.  It all goes up ok and this has been working without any problem for the last 4 days between 5 different users but now all of a sudden all ‘commits’ preformed by any user are changing the group ownership away from ‘src’ to the user’s group name.  Once that happens other users can no longer overwrite or checkout this data.  (‘someuser’ is of course to be replaced by the login name of a real user on the server.)


Obviously I don’t understand a great deal about all the configuration options available in CVS but does any body have any idea what might have changed or how I can get this back to my original configuration?


I did do an ‘apt-get update’ and ‘upgrade’ over the weekend which might have something to do with what’s happened here but I guess a good question might be, “How do other people set this sort of system up for this kind of use.”?


Thanks much,



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