On Monday 21 June 2004 08:25, Daniel Klein wrote:
> Hey,
> I've posted this on the kde list and I've submitted a bug into the kde
> bugtracker, but on the kde list it was suggested that I might want to
> post this on here as well, so here we go with a link:
> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83737
> In short, alt-tabbing in KDE does Very Bad Things from time to time (so
> far, roughly 2 or 3 times a day). More details --> read the bug
> description, if you're interested.
> There was also mention of kde-debian and debian-kde and whatnot, but
> truth be told, I just want that bug to be brought to the attention of
> the right people, I don't want to invest hours into having it solved. If
> you think I must absolutely repost this on either debian-kde or
> kde-debian, tell me and I'll do that as well.
> Thanks already for any kind of interest,
> Daniel

I have never had this kind of problem, and I use KDE all the time.  Have you 
tried to log in to your locked box from another box (ssh)?  If so, is there 
any process hogging resources?  Can you start killing suspect applications?  
That may help you track down the culprit.  Also, you might try starting 
x0rfbserver remotely, then trying to connect via VNC.

Justin Guerin

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