On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 10:12:21PM -0600 or thereabouts, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
> On 2004-06-11, S.D.A. penned:
> > On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 11:36:52AM -0600 or thereabouts, Monique Y.
> > Mudama wrote:

> > Seriously, I don't like them myself, and I'm not overly fond of Flash
> > personally, either -- But when a client requests a Flash enabled user
> > interface (and many do), I provide it. 'Cause the next developer will,
> > and I will lose probably a good paying client.
> I hear you, but serious warning flares go up for me when a client tries
> to specify implementation rather than functionality.  If they know how
> best to implement it, what are they paying me for?  They're paying me
> way too much to just hack up a design someone else envisioned.

It's an old quandry. :) We're not simply hired as advisors -- Often it's for our
expertise in manufacturing in a timely fashion, the clients vision.

A prudent person, knows when it's time to put aside one's personal agenda. When
working with mid to larger clients, they usually have done all the focus groups,
and marketing tests. Therefore, they usually know exactly what works, what they
want, and why.  :)

We, (company I work for), try  not to  be presumptious to assume we know what
works with the clients userbase, and we in no way assume, that we're an
Advertising Agency. 

The web developer, usually works under creative guidance, on large projects. 

  Saturday Jun 12 2004 11:06:01 AM EDT
There's no heavier burden than a great potential.

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