* /User-agent/: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)
Thank you very much! Finally it is running. sysvinit was not installed and therefor no /dev/ptmx. INstalling sysvinit (version 2.85-20 ) and running 'invoke-rc.d mountvirtfs start ' solved the problem! Thank you very much for your help and thanks also to Martin for help along the way, miriam
* ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[20040604 05:48]:
I have finally installed debian instead of the former redhat. Unfortunately, matlab runs only partly now. I can't use linux commands and copy and paste don't work either. I am running kernel 2.6.5 and KDE 3.2. Pts should be switched on.
What kernel did you have this running successfully with in redhat?
This is the error message I get:
??? MATLAB was unable to open a pseudo-tty: No such file or directory [2,1] The unix() and ! commands will not work in this MATLAB session. Other commands which depend upon unix() and ! will also fail. Your system may be running low on resources. If the problem persists after a reboot, check with your system administrator and confirm that your pty subsystem is properly configured.
Do you have a /dev/ptmx ? Is your system running udev? Is devpts mounted on /dev/pts?
good times, Vineet
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Miriam Fend, PhD student Tel + 41 - 1 - 635 45 80 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Fax + 41 - 1 - 635 45 07 Department of Computer Science, Room 2.16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Zurich Andreasstrasse 15 CH - 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
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