I just installed all of the en_us locales with dpkg-reconfigure locales, and 
it seems to be working.



Am Thursday 03 June 2004 12:54 schrieb Johann Spies:
> On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 08:34:04AM +0200, Dr.-Ing. C. Hurschler wrote:
> > Thanks!
> >
> > with your hint I did an apt-cache search on "keymap" and found
> > console-data, a dpkg-reconfigre console-data and subsequenty on
> > console-common followed by a reboot got my keyboard set correctly.
> >
> > My console still wont display umlauts though, I still need to figure out
> > how to set that up.  I have chosen de-utf8 with dpkg-reconfigure locales,
> > but I just want to be able to see the characters, not change the language
> > of my system.
> With the "af_ZA" locale I can type ü by just typing "u and ß by using
> the Compose-function (Ctl-. ss).
> Maybe someone else on the list can comment on the de-utf8 locale.  I
> have no experience on that.
> Regards
> Johann

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