On my Knoppix/Debian unstable system and using aptitude for installation, "fortune" functioned normally when installing only the basic packages.
After installation of fortune-off, fortune-mod, and other collections of fortunes, fortune became unknown ("Unrecognized command: fortune"). Aptitude reported fortune as installed so I deduced that the location of the command had changed. It was now located "whereis fortune" at "/usr/games/fortune". "/usr/games" was added to my PATH system-variable by "PATH= $PATH:/usr/games" and normal functioning of fortune resumed. I've have been unable to learn the current maintainer of the fortune package to inform them of this problem. ---------- The content of the message is a reflection only of the writer and not of AT&T or Tybrin. Robert Tilley 321-785-2010 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]