> > I have been running apache/php/mysql successfully for a very long
> > time. Suddenly this morning my php web pages return
> >
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()
> >
> > I can process the web page from the command line but not from apache.
> >
> > OK, I've found the problem but I don't know how to correct it.
> >
> > When apache loads php4 it looks for /usr/lib/php4/20010901/mysql.so
> > which it can't find. The directory is there but the file is not.
> > However/usr/lib/php4/20020429/mysql.so does exist.
> >
> > How can I get things back in sync?
> This sounds like a version mismatch. On a couple of servers I work on
> running Debian testing, the mysql.so modules match the php4/20020429
> path, but on the Debian stable servers, the mysql.so module matches the
> php4/20010901 path.
> Check which version of php4-mysql you have installed (dpkg -l
> php4-mysql). For the 20010901 path, you need version 4.1.2-6woody3.
> (If you find you do have a version mismatch, as I suspect, you have two
> choices; downgrade php4-mysql, or upgrade the rest of your php4
> packages, and possibly apache and mysql, too).
If you would like to have the more or less "newest" versions, you should
really consider taking the ones from http://www.backports.org


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