Before I start to reply, I want to recommend to you the linux-audio-users
and linux-audio-developers mailing lists.  The link you cite
below *comes from* the homepages for these two mailing lists; "LAU" in
the URL stands for linux-audio-users.  Not to put this list down, but
that's a better place for questions like yours in the future.  Here in
debian-user, it's probably a very very small fraction of the readership
that has messed with this stuff; on the linux-audio-users mailing list,
just about *everybody* has at one point or another.

That said . . .

On Sun, 23 May 2004 14:08:16 -0400
"Thomas H. George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get Jackstart working and get a message "cannot get 
> realtime capabilities, current capabilities are =ep cap_setpcap-ep
> Probably running under kernel with capabilities disabled, a suitable 
> kernel would have printed something like =eip"
> My current kernel is 2.6.3 compiled with Preemptable Kernel enabled.  At
> I found the Low-Latency 2.4.x with ALSA HOWTO and
> tried compiling a 2.4.3 kernel according to the instructions given but 
> could not find a Low latency scheduling option in Processor Types and 
> Features.
> I am using ALSA and a Soundblaster Live card and have no problem with 
> these - i.e. I can input the signal from an external phonograph, from 
> the computer's cdrom drive or from a wav file on the hard drive and the 
> output from any of these goes to my stereo system.
> I want to capture the phonograph output, remove cracks and clicks and 
> write the processed file to cd.
> I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to get Jackstart to work.

OK, there are actually several different issues you raise here:
preparing your kernel for low-latency work, preparing your kernel for
JACK, and running the JACK server, jackd (in your case, through
the intermediate program jackstart).


1.  The procedures for preparing your kernel for low-latency are different
for 2.4.x kernels and 2.6.x kernels.  In the 2.4.x series, you have to
patch the kernel source and recompile, using either Robert Love's
preemptable kernel patch, or Andrew Morton's low-latency patch, or both.
These two patches can coexist just fine, and most people have had best
results patching with both; but there have been exceptions.  If you want
to make sure you get the best results, then you want to build a kernel
with one, build a kernel with the other, build a kernel with both, and
build a plain kernel with neither patch, and then do some latency
testing of each and compare the results.  But the point is that you
have to patch the kernel source; you can't enable this stuff simply by
selecting menu options in the kernel configuration process.  These
patches are available for Debian kernels:  see for example the
kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency and kernel-patch-2.4-preempt packages.

In the 2.6.x kernels, most of what these patches bought you in 2.4.x has
been incorporated into the kernel source, so there's no need to patch
the kernel.

2.  Did you make a typo in your second paragarph above?  Did you mean
to say "2.4.3"?  The 2.4.3 kernel is incredibly old, with a variety of
issues/problems you don't want to deal with.  The Debian packages for
the two relevant kernel patches aren't going to work with a kernel that
old; I think neither of them work with anything earlier than 2.4.18.
Their package description pages will say.  You do not want 2.4.3.

3.  For low-latency work, you may not want a 2.6.x kernel.  Amongst
the linux-audio crowd, they're getting mixed reviews.  One would think
that incorporating the aspects of those two patches, as well as other
speedups the 2.6.x series contains, would make it a slamdunk; but it
ain't necessarily so, for reasons which I don't truly understand, not
being a kernel hacker.  If you're interested in this subject, see
this thread from the LKML about pre-emption in the 2.6 kernels, and
potential issues with it:
I'd personally recommend building both a 2.4.20-something kernel and
a 2.6.x kernel and testing both; but that's me.


1.  jackd does not *require* realtime capabilities.  It works a lot
better if it has them, but it does not require them.  You have three
choices in this regard:

- forego realtime capabilities;
- run jackd as root, since root has privileges to get realtime access; 
- Edit your kernel source to enable what's called "POSIX capabilities
        inheritance," which allows non-root user processes to obtain
        such privileged capabilities as realtime access.

Each of these has its own drawbacks, and you've got to decide what's
best for you.  The con of the first is obvious:  you don't get
realtime capabilities, so your latency numbers will be higher and
there's a higher likelihood of xruns.  The con of the second is that
if you're running jackd as root, all the other JACK clients that will
establish connections with jackd *also* have to run as root.  One
hopes there aren't catastrophic bugs in any of them that will cause
major problems when executed as root; but one never knows.  And
running your audio programs as root means root will own the files
they write, etc.; so there often some hassle on the side with wanting
to change file ownerships afterwards, so you can do subsequent non-JACK
stuff as yourself rather than root, etc.  The con of the third, enabling
POSIX capabilities inheritance, is that it's a genuine security risk.

It seems, from following conversations on linux-audio-user, that
most people do the second; but a fair number of people do the third.

Note that in the third case, I said "edit" rather than "patch".  I am
not aware of a kernel source patch to implement capabilities inheritance;
I haven't seen one as a Debian package, as well.  Somewhere on the LAU
website, or linked-to from it, there's a page that tells you what files
to edit, and how to edit them.

All of this, incidentally, is explained in webpages linked-to from
the LAU website whose URL you quoted; I encourage you to take the
time to read that stuff, since most of what I or anyone else will
tell you in answering your questions (like everything I'm saying here)
is simply what *we* learned from taking the time to read it.


There are three ways to start the JACK server, jackd:

- invoking it manually, using the jackd command;
- using the jackstart command;
- using qjackctl, a GUI interface to jackd.

jackstart is really only useful if you've modified your kernel to
allow realtime capabilities inheritance.  If you haven't so modified
your kernel, it chokes, as you've noticed.  If you're not going to
modify your kernel, and instead are going to do your audio work as
root, then running jackstart gives you nothing that running jackd
manually doesn't give you.  So, if you decide to not modify your
kernel, then forget about jackstart and just run jackd instead.

qjackctl is a very nice GUI interface to jackd.  Apparently, you
can fire it up, and then use it to start jackd; but I've had problems
with that.  I think it might use jackstart to start jackd, and since
I haven't enabled capabilities inheritance, it fails.  But if you've
already started jackd manually, firing up qjackctl will cause it to
connect to the running jackd and give you all kinds of information
about it (xrun statistics, a very useful JACK client patchbay, etc.).

I hope all this helps.  Again, I encourage you to do some googling/
surfing on this stuff.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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