Hi again!

Thanks for all the replys and thanks for the encourageing words Richard! A 
major part of the problem seems to have been a missing fonts.alias file in 
the /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/5.0/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1 directory. I 
found a post on that in the FAQ on the Wolfram site a while ago, but I didn't 
understood what it was and besides it was under the 4.2 issues. The file 
containd a mapping from adobe-helvetica to bitstream-swiss and from 
adobe-times to adobe-utopia. A

xlsfonts |grep helvetica (or times)

shows that I have none of them installed on them systeme before I run 
Mathematica and apparently thats the fonts mathematica whanted. I still 
think, however, that it's quite strange that it doesn't substitute to 
courier, or whatever, and that it's even more strange that the fonts 
disapeared before I added the alias file.

However, Mathematica seems to work quite ok now, though it still complains 
abit about some missing fonts (times weight plain, slant plain(?) and 
Symbolic i think), so I think it'll have to do for now. If I'll have any 
further success I'll let you know!

Ps. No Thomas, I don't run a font server as far as I know! Thanks for your 
letter, it didn't find it's way to the list though (strange)!

tisdagen den 18 maj 2004 11.42 skrev richard lyons:
> On Tuesday 18 May 2004 05:15, Johan Renström wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Since my two last posts were a bit to boring to be read I thought
> > I'd do a last desperate try from another pint of view.
> I thought it was quite interesting - and was waiting to hear the
> answers.  I had a chancce to play with an adapted mathematica a
> couple of years ago (on windoze) when I did an Open Uni course in
> physics.  I was impressed, and regretted that it was time-limited.
> But I digress...
> > I have a program that is shipped with some fonts. But, when I add
> > the path to these fonts at the bottom in the XF86Config-4 fontpath
> > section, Operas menus disapeare and the login screen in KDE has no
> > text.
> Since nobody else answered, I'll make a suggestion from ignorance:
> Are there fonts with the same names as the ones those apps are trying
> to use?  Your additions to the fontpath might be causing them to
> access specialist mathematica fonts by mistake.  Could be a question
> of order in the path if so.  Or a shell script to switch the path
> when mathematica runs - but I have no idea how you limit the scope of
> that to the environment of one app.
> [...]
> > sorry for the bad English!
> I'm just glad I'm not trying to reply in Swedish - or whatever.

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