> Bojan wrote:
>>  0.5 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD      'From' yahoo.com does not match 'Received'
>>  headers
>>  0.8 PRIORITY_NO_NAME       Message has priority setting, but no
>>  X-Mailer
>>  4.3 CONFIRMED_FORGED       Received headers are forged
> Ahh the irony. You forge your From address and that's exactly the kind
> of message Yahoo! propose to drop.

Lol, yeah.  My side project, creating email my own way.

BTW, I am not saying that this is the future, that it's good, yada yada
yada, I just wanted other people's opinions.  And obviously, this exposes
a flaw with this approach.  If I want to use a qualified email address, do
I have to send it through that specific server?  Or through my own?

And about the idea that Bill Gates floated out there, about solving a
computer puzzle that would require 10 seconds or so of CPU time to send
the email...  Spammers already use distributed computing (some computers
are doing it willingly, others not quite so) to send out spam.  This would
not create a huge problem if you have plenty of CPU cycles to spare.

I think that we are still waiting for a magic bullet....


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