Gregory Seidman wrote: > On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 04:24:48PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote: > } I built a linux-wlan-ng modules package against the stock Debian > } 2.6.6-1-686 kernel package. I used the 0.2.1pre21 source package from > } the linux-wlan-ng project and the debian build directory from Bradley > } Bell's official linux-wlan-ng 0.2.0-15 source package. There was some > } minor tweaking I had to do to get it to build, but it was relatively > } painless -- easier than I expected. You can download the 2.6.6-1-686 > } package I built here[1], or email me if you have any questions about how I > } built it, in case you want to do it for yourself for a different kernel > } version and/or arch. I plan to document this for everyone to see > } eventually (in my copious free time, of course) but in the meantime, > } please do not hesitate to contact me about it. > } > } [1] > > I believe the linux-wlan-ng stuff has been orphaned. If you felt like > taking it over, I'm sure you would help a lot of people.
It was orphaned, but Bradley Bell tool it over recently. -- see shy jo
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