On Friday 07 May 2004 10:43, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
> i normally don't run apps from the shell, I'm using windowmaker.
> This morning I tried k3b, and kprinter, since the shell was open.
> When I ran either of these the shell had bunch of warning messages
> scroll by;
> sudo kprinter
> kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
> group 16x16/stock/chart not valid. kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon
> directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 16x16/stock/code not valid.
> kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
> group 16x16/stock/data not valid. kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon
> directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/object not valid.
> kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
> group 48x48/stock/table not valid. kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon
> directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/text not valid.
> kprinter: WARNING: KFilterBase::findFilterByExtension : no filter found
> for text/plain
> How do  go about correcting these warnings?
> Thanks

Hi Rodney,

I can't tell you how to get rid of the last warning, but the KIconLoader 
errors are pretty simple.  They are telling you that there is no icon with 
that specific name in the folder you've told it to look.  Basically, it 
means that the icon set that you are using doesn't have a native icon, and 
it is instead using the default icon.

For example, I use the kids icon set, which doesn't have an application icon 
for kuickshow.  So, when I launch kuickshow from the command line, kde 
wants to look in the /usr/share/icons/kids/16x16/apps/ folder for a file 
named kuickshow.png, and put that icon in my new window's titlebar.  
However, no such file exists, so it instead grabs the icon from the 
folder /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/16x16/apps/.  It prints out a vary 
similar warning as to what you see when it does this.  So if you use the 
kde control center to change your icon set to the default, those errors 
will go away.

Of course, if you don't want to do that, you could always create the icon 
that's missing. ;-)

The warning is quite harmless.

Justin Guerin

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