On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 09:36:41AM +0100, Felipe Martínez Hermo wrote:
>       Hi everybody!
>       I have just upgraded to woody and I just can't connect to my X
>       server.
>       User "felipe" is running X and I want to execute an application
>       on that X server. The usual procedure used to be:
>               felipe@machine$ xhost +
>               felipe@machine$ su somebody
>               Password:
>               somebody@machine$ export DISPLAY=machine:0.0
>               somebody@machine$ xcalc & (for example)
>       This used to work in potato, but it does not in woody. Anybody
>       can tell me how can I fix this?

1.- do not shout in the subject.

2.- you might want to check the "-nolisten tcp" option under

Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland.
web: www.hispalinux.es/~data/  |  pumuki.hispalinux.es
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