On 28 Oct 2002 12:08:39 +0100
 Matthias Hentges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Mon, 2002-10-28 um 09.34 schrieb Martin Batermann:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I have a sound driver problem.  When I try to start the
> > sound server (via KDE's Preferences -> Sound -> Sound
> > Server), it gives me a message:  Error wile
> initializing
> > the sound driver: device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No
> such
> > device).
> Check the permissions of /dev/dsp. You may have to add
> your user to the
> group audio.
I was trying it as root.  The permissions are RW for root,
group and others.

More info:  Going the Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Server
route, I can successfully start the sound server if I
choose Network Audio System as the Sound I/O method.  If I
choose Autodetect or Open Sound System, I get the "No such
device" message.  

However, if I choose Network Audio System and then try to
start noatun, I get Connecting/Starting aRts soundserver
failed.  Make sure that artsd is configured properly.

I reckon that I screwed up during installation.  How do I
go about configuring artsd (or even just seeing whether it
is installed)?

Thanks for the help.

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