also sprach Wathen, Metherion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.10.25.1621 +0200]:
> 1.) How do you uninstall packages, so that you get more "free" space on your
> harddrive?

either use dselect, or

  apt-get remove <package>

> 2.) How do I modify swap partiton size without having to reinstall
> everything all over again?

do you want to make it smaller or bigger? how much RAM do you have and
how big is the partition now?

> 3.) How do I change the clock time to the correct time?

install ntpdate and synchronize with the time servers, or use

  date -s "new time"

to set the time. run 'man date'!

if you have a permanent net connection, install ntp-simple.

> 4.) Is it possible to have the cdrom and floopy drives automatically mount
> without recompiling the kernel?

you need to set up autofs:

this should work with debian's stock kernel.

> 5.) How do I check if my sound card/drivers are working? 
>      (exp. I have WindowMaker installed and sound events turned on but I get
> no sound. I installed XMMS and it plays .cda, so how come no other sounds?)

.cda and sounds are very different. find yourself a *.wav file
somewhere on the net, install the 'sox' and 'aumix' packages, then use
'aumix' to set the mixer, and

  play thefile.wav

to test the sound.

> 6.) Where is there a mp3 plugin for XMMS? - do it need one?

nope. XMMS can do mp3 out of the box.

> 7.) Is there a GUI file manager for X, WindowMaker, Debian?

have a look at the endeavor2 package

> 8.) Where should I put tarballs I've downloaded before running "gzip -dc"?
> Can I gzip from a cd to my harddrive? If so, how?

gzip -d < /cdrom/file.gz > /tmp/file

> 9.) How do I switch between color depths on the fly? "Ctl + Alt + +" seems
> to only switch resolutions.

i don't think you can.

> 10.) Do I need all 7 cd's to upgrade from potato to woody? Or can I just d/l
> the first cd?

you really only need the boot disks, but the first cd will do too.
after the base install, you'll use the network anyway...

> If someone could tell me of a website that helps people migrate from Windows
> to Linux, I would greatly appreciate it.

don't know, sorry.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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