On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 12:30:08PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
> hello all!
> i seem to be pretty stuck here! umpteen attempts and quite a few posts 
> and iam still unable to solve the mistry!
> relevant portions of /etc/exim/exim.conf
> ######################################################################
> #                      ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                         #
> #            Specifies how remote addresses are handled              #
> ######################################################################
> #                          ORDER DOES MATTER                         #
> #  A remote address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted.  #
> ######################################################################
> # Remote addresses are those with a domain that does not match any item
> # in the "local_domains" setting above.
> # Send all mail to a smarthost
> smarthost:
>  driver = domainlist
>  transport = remote_smtp
>  route_list = "* byname"
> end
> for information, is nt server we use as our lan server. 
> this is the smtp address i use for sending out mails from my current 
> linux-mozilla combination. does that mean that i can use this server as 
> smarthost?
> relevant portion from /var/log/mainlog
> 2002-10-25 12:13:09 184yBZ-0000FS-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=sandip 
> P=local S=326
> 2002-10-25 12:13:09 184yBZ-0000FS-00 => sandip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> D=localuser T=local_delivery
> 2002-10-25 12:13:09 184yBZ-0000FS-00 Completed
> this is sending mail locally and it works!
> 2002-10-25 12:13:54 184yCI-0000Fc-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=sandip 
> P=local S=338
> 2002-10-25 12:13:55 184yCI-0000Fc-00 => [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> R=smarthost T=remote_smtp H= []
> 2002-10-25 12:13:55 184yCI-0000Fc-00 Completed
> i do not know what is this type of delivery. but this also works well
> 2002-10-25 12:15:23 184yDi-0000Fl-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=sandip 
> P=local S=320
> 2002-10-25 12:15:23 184yDi-0000Fl-00 => [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost 
> T=remote_smtp H= []
> 2002-10-25 12:15:23 184yDi-0000Fl-00 Completed
> it fails to send the mail to the to: address.
> now, my question is, what do i need to do to get exim working?
> can i use as smarthost? can i use some other server as 
> smarthost? how do i know which server i can and which i can not?
> what if there is no smart host to do the job for me? can i not use exim? 
> and will i have to always use mozilla with an smtp server specified for 
> delivering mail - the windows way?
> thanx
> -sandip
> -- 
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