On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 11:35:08PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote: > On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Paul Johnson wrote: > > > People do not read in random order. Please learn to quote > > intuitively. http://ursine.dyndns.org/jargon/html/Email-Quotes.html > thanx for the tip ... but i typically dont care about > which came first... :-) > - but will keep that in mind for future
Well, I'm just encouraging netiquette. A lot of people will summarily delete responses with more than 50% quoted text or that are top posted, as such posts tend to be fairly content-free or hard to follow, respectively. > donate to any of the rbls that is used ... or any other open development > cause Of course. Though do so directly. Never understood why people donate to blanket orgs to support some specific org. Makes me wonder if they realise most of thier donation goes to administration costs associated with dividing up donations, ironically enough. Example: Your $10 donation to the United Way you make for the sake of the Boy Scouts gets divided a fe hundred ways, the BSA gets one or two cents. Gee, thanks. Why not just mail the $10 to the national Scout office in Irving? Or give it directly to a local Scout troop? (This has been an ongoing topic among the trolls on a couple newsgroups I read. Yeah, the United Way sucks. We know. That's why we don't deal wit them.) </rant> > and i think either dyndns or another outfit provides DNS services > for domains that are on DHCP based isp connections ?? > - so you still can get a domain name registered to you > to make things lot easier to minimize spam Yes, dyndns.org does, though you must donate to be able to use your own domain. > > > - stop spam at the mta ( sendmail, exim, postfix, etc ) > > > - i want the spam to bounce back to the spammer and > > > clutter their logs w/ bounced messages and their own spam > > > > bl.spamcop.net is a good RBL for that. > > think if a spam still arrives... the originatng spammer does > not get a bounce... from all the bad addy;'s they sent too etc Well, depends on what the return path is set to. You'd be amazed how many spammers don't realise this one. > and if bl.spamcop.net sends bounes back to the spammer ... good, > we should all bounce spams ... ( as opposed to quietly dropping it ) > - let them fill up their logs with their own spam Exactly. I'd love to know how to make exim give the correct SMTP error for RBLs according to RFC 1893 (it would be 571, btw), the desired response would be something like 571 F*ck off, spammer! (Or email postmaster at your ISP with this message) And then give the standard RBL text that tells them to hit that RBL's site to see why they were blocked. -- Baloo
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