> On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 12:48:22AM -0700, np rpr wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a new debian user. and am trying to upgrade my
> machine to  2.4.19, I downloaded the image and tried
> deb -i kernel-image.. it told me to add initrd=/initrd
> under vmlinuz, I did that but when I tried lilo.. I
> got the error that initrd doesn't exist. According to
> the message I am supposed to edit
> /etc/kernel-img.conf.
> But I couldn't find this file? 

Same thing happened to me (Debian Newbie as well) yesterday. I even
removed the initrd=... entry, issued lilo command and rebooted (although
I was sort of warned by the conf-script) finding that kernel 2.4
actually can't boot without this entry.

Starting with a boot-floppy (glad to have it) I set the entry in
lilo.config to

initrd=/boot/initrd-img-2.4.16-k6 (or whatever -look in /boot/ )

did lilo, and could boot the new kernel from hd.

I think the installation(configure)-script could have been a bit more
helpful, it mentions the important things, but is misleading when it
'put initrd=/initrd in your lilo.config'.

As to the file /etc/kernel-img.conf: it turned up after some fiddling
around (with entries I didn't put in there), so the installing script
seems to use it. But I couldn' find any documentation about it.

Bob Nielsen said:
>If you install kernel-package, the man page and a sample file for
>/etc/kernel-img.conf will be installed.

Ah, OK, thats where you can get it ;-).

I wanted to have the new kernel, because the es1370 module was
apparently not in the standard woody kernel (idepci2.2...). With the new
kernel I can make insmod es1370 and voila: sound works! (Never got that
with older SuSeDistros I worked with since 1998.) 


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