also sprach John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.10.22.0235 +0200]:
> >You need to delete /etc completely over an SSH connection from 4000
> >miles away, and then restore that from backup in the same SSH
> >connection to fully love UNIX ;^>
> >
> echo "pete::1210:1210:::/home/pete:/bin/bash" > /etc/passwd
> exit

forget it. ssh won't let you in, it has no host keys. plus, the entire
mail, web, database, etc. systems are all virtually broken.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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