The laptop is a gateway 2300 p200 with neomagic video card and tft display
and a  4.1 gb harddrive.  The touch pad does not work at all i have been
working to fix it but is broken now.
 the trackball is pu=luged into the usb port and the system looks to
/dev/gmpdata and i guess yes to the gmp question i'm not sure

-----Original Message-----
From: Vineet Kumar [mailto:debian-user@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: x startup

* Billy Bump ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021021 12:28]:
> I have just completed installing debian3.0 on my laptop.  The touchpad
> not work so i use a microsoft usb trackball.  this trackball worked in my
> previous linux mandrake install.  When i try to startx it fails and most
> the error messages are about the mouse not being present.  anybody have
> ideas?

What kind of laptop is it?  Is there something physically wrong with the
touchpad, or do you mean you just haven't been able to get X configured
to use it?  Have you tried the GlidePointPS/2 driver?

Where is the trackball plugged in? I'm guessing the ps/2 port.  Where
does X look for the mouse?  It should probably be /dev/psaux .  Are you
running gpm?

So there are some ideas =)

good times,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  -- Barry Goldwater

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