* Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021021 11:19]:
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 01:45:55PM +0200, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
> > Why does it still redirect to baboon.localnet? Or might it be my client, 
> Because you have that set in your /etc/hosts.  Change it and all will
> be good.

He did say that he removed it from /etc/hosts .  I'm not sure if you
didn't read the message or are insinuating that he was mistaken, and did
not in fact remove the line and restart apache as he claims to have

> > ps. Please CC.
> No.  If you want a private tutor, hire one, don't expect it like it's
> your God given right.  Either subscribe or read the archive.

Chill, man ... his mail had Mail-Followup-To: .  In this case, my normal
habit (hitting 'L' in mutt) would CC him; it would take extraordinary
action on my part to _not_ CC him.  

good times,
One nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty, and justice for all.

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