Hello Jamin,

On Oct 21, "Jamin W.Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

|  > this is a complete minimalist one liner:
|  > 
|  > apt-get install fluxbox xterm mozilla xmms xchat gaim xserver-xfree86 
|  > gpm xbase-clients xfonts-100dpi xfonts-base xscreesaver linuxlogo
|  > xpenguins
|  You can't be serious, listing both xterm and mozilla and claiming it's
|  minimalist?  First, rxvt is _much_ lighter than xterm (about half to
|  two-thirds the size).  Second, using "mozilla" in your apt-get will pull
|  in mozilla-browser, mozilla-mailnews, and mozilla-psm.  Phoenix (even at
|  v0.3) is a much better choice, but if you're looking for a solution that
|  uses only Debian pacakges, try Galeon or Skipstone.  Third, drop the
|  amusements linuxlogo and xpenguins.

Not to mention dropping xscreensaver.

GPG key - 0EFB1DFE

Anthony's Law of the Workshop:
        Any tool when dropped, will roll into the least accessible
        corner of the workshop.

        On the way to the corner, any dropped tool will first strike
        your toes.

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