Just wanted to send a email to Debian on their great product/installation.
I downloaded a minimal install iso file and installed Woody. I have copies of
1.3 and 2.0, but stopped there. On the machine/HD that I am using now, I
could not get either LM 8.1, or SuSE 7.3 to install correctly on a logical
partition (toward the end of 20gig hd).
After burning the iso image, I though I would just see what Debian would do
and to my complete suprise, it found the extra logical partition and installed
flawlessly! I created the boot floppy, but when rebooting my boot manager
(Air-BOOT) found the Debian partition and booted the os just fine :)
Any way, I was so pleased, I ordered the CD's.
I know there is a "negative" article on DebianPlanet, but I enjoyed installing
I am not on the maillist (yet), but just wanted to say thanks to all those that
work on Debian to make it what it is.
God's best to all!

I have and use:
FreeBSD 4.7, OS/2 Warp3 & 4, OpenBSD3.1,
Mandrake 8.1,SuSE 8.1, Win3.1 - 2000Pro
Debian 2.0, and Amiga 500 & 4000
ICQ# 54186124
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