You are probably correct;  however I have no such problems under MS Windows 
and few under SuSE 8.1.

At 03:36 PM 10/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>hi ya
>its not that debian or its app that is fussy..
>its more that the floppy is a bad/cheap quality...
>( get a better quality floppy and/or floppy drive and those
>( floppy disk creation problems will go a way
>have fun
>On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, geno wrote:
> > During the initial setup procedure, Debian seems to be extremely fussy
> > about permitting the creation of boot floppies and equally fussy about
> > booting from those it does create.  Is there a way to burn a more reliable
> > boot CD instead?
> >

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