Jamin W.Collins wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:20:10 -0300
> Klaus Imgrund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>but the doc's there are as outdated as my grandma - and she was put to
>>rest a while ago. Don't get me wrong - I like linux a lot but the doc's
>>suck sometimes. 
> You know, if you find a problem with the documents you're more than
> welcome to submit updates to the author(s).  If that doesn't work, you are
> also welcome to update them yourself.
>>I had a problem one time with a cd-burner.
>>Now - the site you mention tells you a lot of stuff that is about:
>>-3 years outdated and
>>-totally incomprehensible
> Really?  Lets see, cd-burner you say, that would be:
>    http://tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO.html
> Looks like the page was updated a little over two years ago according to
> this:
>    v2.9.3, 23 July 2000
> I remember using this document (possibly even same version, let me check
> my print out, nope v2.8.8) to learn about CD writing in Linux.  Had
> everything I needed.  

I'm wondering why my modules.conf that I had to edit keeps reverting 
back to the previous version every time I reboot; it is really kind of 
frustrating. It means that every time I reboot I have to mess around and 
reload the ide-scsi module as well as having to load the module for my 
soundcard (if I forget to do the latter all manner of nastiness happens 
when KDE starts up). It also sends up a flurry of warnings that my 
"modules.conf is newer than modules.dep" [I'm thinking - so what if it is?].

--David [using Knoppix on an otherwise Windows computer right now]

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