Russell, Torsten, et al: This is the "method" I have written up in my notes for a Debian Style Kernel Rebuild. My feeling after all this is that this is something that as hair raising as it might seem for beginners, should be one of the first things we learn, not to be delayed.
It would be good if a step by step like this were made for recovering using the suggested recovery disk (including link to source) <!--\*#---------REBUILD KERNEL------------#*\--!> 1. Download the latest kernel SOURCE package for your hardware architecture (i.e. PIII, 4, etc) (??what about these "headers" or is that only for the non-Debian way?) to /usr/src/linux/kernel/ (if no /usr/src/linux/kernel dir exists, make it) and unpack it. 2. Make sure "bin86" "lib6c-dev" "debianutils" "make" "bzip2" and "kernel-package" are installed. 3. (on 2nd and subsequent rebuilds) Copy configuration file to /usr/src/linux/kernel_version_source_directory/ 4. # cd to /usr/src/linux/kernel_version_source_directory # make menuconfig and make your selections 5. # make-kpkg clean # make-kpkg -revision=0001 --initrd kernel_image 6. A new kernel.version-0001_i386.deb will be placed in the /usr/src/linux directory (or one up from where the sources are held) 7. Install the new kernel using # dpkg -i kernel.~.deb <!--\*#------------------------------#*\--!> -----Original Message----- From: Michael Olds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 6:53 AM To: Russell; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: Kernel Panic was: System is too Big; son of make menuconfig Thanks Russell and Torsten, Last night I did a re-install...not a huge loss in that this is still in the learning/setup phase...and all of this was in the service of setting up some kind of backup routine. Suggestion for the KDE folk, by the way: 1. Give us a way to use just the desktop without installing all the related programs...kate, konquoror, kword, fact the whole Linux setup should be different as far as these desktop things are concerned...we should be being given a choice of desktop setups, then for the one we choose, a second set of choices as to what to include. I don't mean that the options are there, scattered around throughout the available packages, but that we should start with a dialog about what to include. 2. In KDE you can save a scheme, but it isn't saved for everyone and it should be. This is the thing that had me perplexed: while I did not use the original configuration as the basis for the kernel rebuild, I did follow it...if something was built in, I built it in, if something was a module, I made it a it seems it must have been the --initrd option. Best Wishes! Mike Olds -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]