(Please quote conversationally; http://ursine.dyndns.org/jargon/html/Email-Quotes.html) On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 05:49:22PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote: > let me get it right. i have just now installed fetchmail-ssl. do i have > to run it as a demon or something as a root?
No, you don't need to run fetchmail as root. You should run it as a daemon, unless you want to have to type fetchmail in a shell to get your mail. If you run it as a daemon, it'll work automagically. > now then, i configure fetchmail using fetchmailconf. i supply all my > passwords. are they kept and sent encrypted? Never. They're kept in a plaintext file, plan your permissions accordingly. They're not sent encrypted; unless your POP or IMAP server uses SSL, and you have the fetchmail-ssl (oppose just fetchmail) package, only then are they encrypted. > then, will i have to be root and enable fetchmail to run as a demon or > can i start it as a user also? (i dunno what part of systme i will have > to modify to start fetchmail everytime i log on) You could do it by daemon, which is easiest to enable in Debian. The other way would be to set up a .fetchmailrc (instead of /etc/fetchmailrc) and set your .crontab to run start fetchmail at @reboot. > finally, assuming that it successfully does what it says it does, i will > get a dump in /var/mail/sandip? how do i get it in say, mozilla? Yes, that's where it goes. Mozilla's weird: It doesn't know how to do it the Right Way, only the Windows way, which is not applicable thanks to fetchmail. In Mozilla, you'd have to be serving pop3 and smtp yourself to get mail off your own box(!). Pretty much any other mail reader out there does it correctly, reading straight from the mail spool and calling $SENDMAIL itself. > and hey, is it possible for me to run an smtp client on my machine? > would like to do it! so i can be independent of smtp that is run by > someone else. Someone step him through eximconfig? Been way too long for me to remember what I did. -- Baloo
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